Due to the fact that rock music constantly lends itself to transformation, a huge number of types and subspecies of this direction have been created. Mainly rock is divided into two streams. The first is light rock. It is more melodic, it is easier to listen to and it has less bass and more light musical ligaments. This current includes alternative rock, pop-rock, growling and others. The second current is heavy rock. It is more brutal to the perception, because it is full of sharp bass, thundering drums and shouting lead singer’s vocals. It includes the types of black metal and death metal.

“Rock, sex and drugs” or “sex, drugs and rock and roll” are the slogans that most often come to mind when looking at the brutal life of rockers. But in fact, this style does not promote a permissive or pernicious lifestyle. Rock is about drive, movement, freedom of choice. It is liberation from stupid stereotypes, frames and restrictions. Rock is an opportunity to be yourself and live life the way you see fit. This style is imbued with energy and lust for life.

Because of this ideology, the appearance of the rocker is remarkable in that it reflects the gut of man. The image of the rocker implies freedom, masculinity, brutality and even rudeness. Therefore, black is preferred in clothing and accessories, metal rivets, spurs, collars and bandanas. There is also a lot of natural leather.

Of the popular accessories can be found the attributes of victory over death or lack of fear of it. For example, prints (drawings) of skulls on outerwear or crosses on chains.

Most rockers have a lot of tattoos and each one has a meaning. The tattoos may depict predatory animals, deep meaning inscriptions or religious images. Rockers who get tattoos believe that the printed words can influence a person’s life, and the depiction of animals or symbols, will protect them from evil and dangers in the world.

In addition to clothing, the rocker style manifests itself in other features of appearance. This could be a long or medium-length well-groomed beard, long, loose hair in natural colors in men. Women, on the contrary, can make very short haircuts, on the type of pixie, and dye them in catchy colors. Also, women and girls do manicures with black color coating, apply makeup with bright dark accents. This can be smoky on the eyes or black lipstick on the lips.

However, as in the rock music, as well as in the rock style, there are many kinds and subspecies, the so-called subcultures – hippies, punks, emo, goths and so on. They all have their distinctive signs and features. All rockers don’t go only in black and wear the same clothes. No, because that contradicts the very essence – to be unique and free from rules and boundaries. That’s why in every trend there is something that won’t be in the other one.

In addition to the look, the style, the types of arrangements, rock music is very different in the meaning of its lyrics. It can be as much about binge behavior and indulging one’s desires as it can be about the meaning of life or the depths of the human soul. In any variant, you can definitely find the philosophical meaning in rock lyrics, which is what makes it different from other popular music.

The rock movement seems to be imbued with meaning in literally everything. Rockers infuse meaning into their lyrics, their music, their tattoos, and their looks. Every musical movement or subculture has a set of values and principles that they live by. Whether others agree with it or not, still, this attitude toward themselves and life commands respect.